Robi – the hotel robot for the 25hours Hotel The Circle in Cologne – had to prove himself, his actual training is now beginning. The Circle welcomes a new apprentice: Hotel robot Robi finishes his traineeship. Redazione After an extensive testing phase, in which Robi – the hotel robot for the 25hours Hotel The Circle in Cologne – had to prove himself, his actual training is now beginning. The…
25hours Hotel
25hours Hotels plans its first hotel in Italy.Welcome to paradise

25hours Hotels plans its first hotel in Italy.Welcome to paradise. The 25hours Hotel Company has signed a long-term lease with Art-Invest Real Estate for a listed building in Florence’s old town. Redazione The new 25hours Hotel Firenze will be located right on Piazza San Paolino, close to the central station, and is expected to open its doors in early 2020. “Italy has been at the top of our list of…
The 25hours Hotel The Royal Bavarian old fashion e pulsazione urbana

The 25hours Hotel The Royal Bavarian edifica il fascino del vissuto, esplora la fantasia, sbalordisce con l’insolito e ci invita a vivere lo spazio come una continua sorpresa. di Antonella Iozzo Munich – The Royal Bavarian la nuova dimensione del fascino old style by 25hours Hotel Company. Vicinissimo alla stazione centrale di Munich, il Royal Bavarian ha aperto le sue porte il 3 novembre scorso. Lo studio degli architetti Osa…